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Last week Leighton raised some interesting questions for us to ponder and reflect on. Here is someone’s thoughts on why they go to church….

“In a culture that minimizes commitment and maximizes self-indulgence, I have learned the precious gift of church attendance or, more specifically, the church gathered. I do not see church attendance as a burden or legalistic commitment. I view it as a joy—a place where I can give and serve, a place where I can focus more on others than myself. I could name many but here are ten reasons I attend church:

¨ I attend church to serve others

¨ I attend church to encourage others

¨ I attend church to encourage my pastor

¨ I attend church to state my priorities

¨ I attend church to participate in worship

¨ I attend church even if it doesn’t meet all my needs

¨ I attend church with frequency, not on occasion.

¨ I attend church to set an example for my family.

¨ I attend church because the Bible tells me to do so.

¨ I attend church because I love my church

I love to attend church. I attend church for these reasons and many more. I thank God for my church.”

Do you attend church regularly? What are your reasons? Let us pause and thank God for His church here at Marion Church of Christ.


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